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How do I get a fishing license in Edmonton, Alberta?

How do I get a fishing license in Edmonton, Alberta
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Fishing is a popular outdoor activity in Edmonton. However, most people need a fishing license to participate legally, so don’t just cast your line anywhere without getting one! 

Fortunately, obtaining a fishing license here is a straightforward process. This guide will help you understand the requirements and steps to follow when getting a fishing license in Edmonton, Alberta.

What are the requirements for a fishing license in Edmonton, Alberta? 

What are the requirements for a fishing license in Edmonton, Alberta
Image Source: Harvest Your Own 

The key requirement for a fishing license in Edmonton, Alberta is that you sign up for a 10-digit Wildlife Identification Number (WIN) at AlbertaRELM

You also need a valid credit card to pay for the license and a personal email address to receive up-to-date information about Alberta Regulations. 

How do I get a fishing license online in Edmonton, Alberta?

How do I get a fishing license online in Edmonton, Alberta
Image Source: Pexels  

You can get a fishing license online in Edmonton, Alberta through AlbertaRELM. Below is the step-by-step guide to obtaining a fishing license in Edmonton, Alberta, online. 

  1. Go to    
  2. Enter your 10-digit WIN and log in. If you don’t have one yet, click the ‘Create an Account’ button and get your WIN. 
  3. Input your credit card information and make the purchase. 

You see, buying a fishing license online is an easy process if you have your WIN and credit card ready. Besides that, once you have an activated WIN, you’ll have it for life, so you don’t have to renew it yearly. 

While you can also visit some retail locations (we’ll say where later) to get your license in person, we ourselves recommend doing it online. The advantage of getting a fishing license online is that you can conveniently access and store your licenses electronically via the AlbertaRELM app. 

Furthermore, you can easily present an electronic copy of your fishing license if an officer requests it during a field compliance check. 

How do I get a fishing license from vendors in Edmonton, Alberta?

How do I get a fishing license from vendors in Edmonton, Alberta
Image Source: Alberta Fish and Wildlife Enforcement

To purchase a fishing license from the Alberta Fish and Wildlife office, private license issuers, gas stations, or other participating vendors in the city, you just need to present your WIN, fill out the paperwork, and pay. 

What are the different types of fishing licenses in Edmonton, Alberta? 

What are the different types of fishing licenses in Edmonton, Alberta
Image Source: Pexels 

The type of fishing licenses available in Edmonton, Alberta, are Annual Sportfishing License, Limited Sportfishing License, and Special Walleye Harvest License. 

  • An Annual Sportfishing License is valid for one year. It can be obtained by an Edmonton/Alberta resident, Canadian resident, and non-resident.
  • A Limited Sportfishing License can be valid for one day or seven days. Canadian residents and non-residents can obtain this fishing license, but it’s not available for Edmonton/Alberta residents.
  • On the other hand, a Special Walleye Harvest License is the license type that allows Edmonton/Alberta resident anglers to seek walleye of a certain length ( Class A, Class B, or Class C) in a specified location and season. Note that anglers under 16 years old and over 65 years old must also pay $11 to obtain this license.

What are the fees for each type of license?

What are the fees for each type of license
Image Source: Pexels 

The table below shows the fees for fishing licenses in Edmonton, Alberta. Note that the prices below do not include the 5% federal Goods and Services Tax. 

License HolderSportfishing License TypePrices
Edmonton/Alberta ResidentAnnual Fishing LicenseCAD 28
Special Harvest Licence*

• Walleye (Class A)

• Walleye (Class B)

• Walleye (Class C

CAD 11
Special Walleye License ApplicationCAD 3.35
Canadian Resident (living outside Alberta)Annual Fishing LicenseCAD 60
Limited Fishing License (valid for 7 days)CAD 41
Limited Fishing License (valid for 1 day)CAD 25
Non-Resident (living outside of Canada)Annual Fishing LicenseCAD 85
Limited Fishing License (valid for 7 days)CAD 55
Limited Fishing License (valid for 1 day)CAD 26.33

FAQs About Sportfishing in Edmonton, Alberta